#GeniusHour is amazing! My kids have been doing some incredible learning. They have been meeting with lots of people from our community. I have to say, Crescent City has some welcoming and helpful people in it. I am very grateful to many people this week. First off, Northwoods welcomed to of my boys, Luis and Westyn, into their kitchen to let them see what being a chef was like. Chef Frank was so gracious with them, they got to make pasta, tour the kitchen and interview him. Dr. Caldwell made time to meet with one of my girls. She wants to become a doctor. Dr. Caldwell met with Judith and she got to interview him and tour his office.
Our goal last week was to revisit our Essential Questions. It was important to me to remind the kids what they were researching and to go back to the whole point of Genius Hour. They also looked at each other's questions and made comments or asked more questions. It was powerful to them, I could tell they really thought about what they asked each other.
Essential Questions #GeniusHour |
I am not sure if my very long comment just posted or disappeared so thought I had better post again. I love the idea of having the kids go out into the community to interview professionals. I am totally stealing that idea for next year! I did genius hour as homework this last trimester as I wanted to toy with it and see what the kids wanted to research. It was nice seeing that most of them were very much into what they were learning and that they applied a lot of what they had learned to do this year. I am saving your post to use your image as a starting point for our discussion next fall!
Thank you Stacie! I think bringing the community in is very beneficial. Making sure they are reminded of their essential question through out the process is helpful too. My kids seem to forget sometimes what their focus is, so it was a good reminder. I would love to see what your kids come up with next year!